Screaming into an HDD

Welcome to the Blog Section. I just say shit here. Which is to say this is where I will be posting my mid to long form rambling on whatever the hell I please. Will probably largely be media discussions in a very casual way. Watch this space for potential promises (that will go largely unfulfilled) and wishful project planning that may or may not come to some sort of fruition. Really it's here for me and the three people I know enjoy my written work. Enjoy your stay; navigate posts by content on your left or scroll for reverse chronological order.

COVID, Life and the Unintentional Hiatus.

02/01/24 ; General Update ; 🍵

Wow. I've been gone A while. Why's that? Well. Shit happens mostly.

The last half of 2023 was hard. A lot of adult life things happened at once. Such as, my entire household coming down with one of the strains of COVID that was going around back in July. And then the basement wall exploded. And we had to pay $3,000 on mold remediation. And we all have various flavors of post-COVID syndrome. I'm trying to think of good things that happened, but, I'm coming up quite short. Don't waste your time, money, or kn95s on going to any of those Emo Night Tours, okay? They're really really awful. Just dogshit. Invite vaccinated friends over for a communal playlist if you want to listen to music from 2008.

I wish I could say I did something or come back with a sick accomplishment. I can't. I'm still unemployed, if anything I've become more unemployable. There's no new big finished project, all my WIPs are still WIPs. I finished this blog page lay-out back in December. Took me until now to try and type out something for it. I haven't been having all that awful of a time, things are just harder than they were before COVID. I'm finally eating regularly again, that took a few months to regulate due to dysosmia (smelling things wrong).

Hopefully eating regularly translates into energy; translates into progress on the things I love to work on.

I hope 2024 is some kind of gentle, but that is hard to hold onto, what with all the awful things happening. My blog is not somewhere where I want to talk about things like active genocide, but. Well. There it is. That's the world we live in. No matter how soul crushing it is, we have to keep getting up every day and trying for better.

It's been hard for me to create, being torn between maintaining my real human relationships with my wife and roommate, enriching myself, giving a shit about atrocities, and self-treating my post-covid syndrome because most American doctors don't believe it exists. It's been a long stretch of feeling like everyone else is capable of doing a whole lot more than I am, that's for sure.

I hope to start earnestly engaging with my more complex hobbies again soon. I'm dipping my toes back into a lot of mental work and staring at screens, by creating a Condensed Ruleset for DnD 3.5e. It's scant so far, but I'm enjoying the work and finding a personal talent for printed-page layouts. This work is in a tentative legal area, which is to say I believe it's transformative fair use that I should be allowed to distribute for personal use. But Hasbro lawyers May disagree with me. So it may never appear on this website.

If you're an Eberron fan and you don't like 5e feel free to E-mail me, I hope to run 3.5e campaigns at some point and am not against Virtual TableTops.

And I choose to believe it's a good sign that I thought about my website and Immediately wrote a blog post tonight, hopefully it keeps happening. Crossing my fingers, knocking on wood, rubbing lucky rabbit feet, etc, etc.

P.S. Dungeons and Dragons Online is uhm, my favorite MMO ever, and I make every one I know try it at least once, so. It would be out of character if I failed to mention the questing coupon. Until February 11th, 2024 almost every premium quest pack in DDO is free with coupon code FREEDDO2024. Download the game and make an account, redeem the coupon and enjoy some oooold dungeon crawls. DnD Module fans will recognize several in/famous PnP modules given digital life. If you want to play with someone, E-MAIL ME! I am always interested in Dungeons and Dragons Online and I am Always interested in onboarding players.